

无障碍网页标准 includes the most critical compliance criteria of Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). Every criterion targets specific accessibility issue that would ultimately improve the overall webpage accessibility level and user experience. These criteria help web developers and content creators to learn and implement accessibility factors within their development life cycle and further improve the functionality and accessibility level of their web presence.



无障碍网页标准 cover various digital accessibility components and standards while collectively bringing attention to every aspect of the digital and online presence. 它们被分为不同的类别,这些类别处理的问题具有相似的概念, 结构或功能. It provides a ground for testers and content creators to concentrate on a single issue at any time and helps improve the mediation and problem-solving procedures.



确保最终用户能够识别品牌, 网站信息, 以及引导他们进入CSUF网站的总体经验是必要的开始.  End users should not be confused or unsure that they are working with content that is CSUF related.  As they user this content it also needs to meet standards that allow users to clearly read text that meets a minium contrast, 不依靠颜色来传达意义, 并确保可能有肤色障碍的用户仍然能够获得积极的体验.



Images, image maps, 脚本事件, 和其他HTML元素可以在默认情况下没有文本版本可用的情况下使用.  Descriptions are essential to ensure your content is accessible to all people including people with disabilities. Descriptions will allow all users the ability to know what the content is about and understand additional information. Content that needs text alternatives and do not have them may present barriers to people with disabilities. Descriptions also benefit all users because in some cases they can serve as a replacement if the content cannot be displayed on the page. 



重要的是为所有互动媒体提供平等的访问机会. 这包括纯音频媒体,如播客, .mp3’s, 录音, 电话会议和像YouTube这样的视听媒体, Vimeo, 或者其他视频格式.  This also includes media like slideshows, carousels, moving banner ads, and event triggered content.  当使用多媒体时, 替代多媒体文件的成绩单形式, 必须提供字幕和音频描述. 多媒体文件还必须具有允许用户暂停的控件, 停止并重新启动多媒体文件.  Autoplay content that is longer than 3 seconds must be triggered with sound disabled and controls must be provided for user control. Finally, 当多媒体被嵌入到网站中时, a notification must be incorporated within the HTML code for browsers who cannot support embedded content.



HTML elements that influence organization and structure to your content must be well formed and logical to page structure. Screen readers should be able to skip navigation and headers should be organized so they visually make sense.  Pages should include title information with descriptive text that will help search engines clearly relate results to the end user.  整个站点的导航应该清晰一致.  网站结构应该易于理解导航和常规内容区域.  所有元素还应该允许最终用户在不丢失功能的情况下伸缩.  Responsive design needs to allow the page to be displayed regardless of screen size and orientation.  

诸如标题级别之类的元素应该有不同的文本样式, 常用字体大小, 明确区分H1、H2和H3, etc. 超链接必须使用清晰的语言,并在整个页面中保持一致. 列表项必须正确编码,以确保最终用户知道内容是相关的.  必须创建表来显示它们的数据.  While tables can be formatted for layout we strongly discourage the use of tables for anything but tabular data.  Header rows must correspond to their data provided with each column containing one type of data, 所有电话号码, images, 电子邮件地址, etc.  HTML5元素,如文章, asides, 图标题, 并且更需要遵循其预期目的并包含适当的标记语言.

插件或其他软件链接, 例如PDF阅读器, should be clearly labeled on the page to provide users with resources they may need in order to use your content.  



可用性,或用户体验,是关于以用户友好的方式设计内容. 创建一个用户友好的界面将使访问变得容易, 理解, 以及信息的使用, 对用户来说,是什么让一切变得不同.  The design from one site to another can vary greatly the overall sense of navigation and basic site structure will still be part of the CSUF brand.  选择图片, 为新闻或事件创造颜色, 和页面的其他视觉动态仍然应该局限于CSUF品牌.  

当您创建内容时,要了解用户需要什么以及他们如何与您交谈.  Names, topics, 和校园内的位置应该在他们的官方校园术语中清楚地确定.  Even if your content has a small target audience you should create it so a first time user will still be able to understand the information.

网页内容的所有功能必须是可导航的,可通过键盘界面操作. Keyboard accessibility is critical to ensure all users have access to information without requiring a mouse. To be keyboard accessible a web page must not only be keyboard operable it must also incorporate the following: a visible keyboard focus, 适当的选项卡顺序, 避免键盘陷阱. 

When collecting information from users through a form needs to included labels and fieldsets where appropriate.  标签必须使用唯一的属性ID链接到元素.  Required fields must also be indicated in the label so end users are aware the input is necessary to complete the form.  Aria-label information should be used on elements to help define input and better describe how content relates to the form or page.  Users should have feedback when navigating through your form to clearly identify which element is active or has focus by using a highlight or some clear indication that the input is currently being used.  动作应该链接到OnClick, Onkeydown, 或Onkeypress,因为它们不会在用户执行任务时自动触发.  OnFocus is not recommended as it will automatically trigger events without the user meaning to do anything.

使用限时功能或有超时功能的网站, 比如登录, 需要在超时触发之前为用户提供合理的时间. If you do require that a task is completed with a limited time you should present the user with a focus set to a dialog box with the time out notification.  这也应该是键盘可访问的.  It is best if you can provide the end user with a need more time option to extend the session.

Errors, validators, and instructions should be clearly defined and help users understand how to properly fill out forms, use features, 控制页面上的内容.  This data can be hidden by default but should be opened and focus set if the page has stopped normal operations based on the end user's required attention to some details.