Alumni News

Graduates making their mark

加入我们的舞蹈校友导师计划: 分享你的经验,并把它传递出去! Alums, add your name and contact information to our mentor roster and help support and encourage the next generation of artists.我们想把我们现在的舞蹈专业和科罗拉多州立大学富勒顿舞蹈系的校友联系起来. They have questions, you have answers. 





Robert Pulido '15 (B.A. dance)

Robert entered his seventh season with Dayton Contemporary Dance Company in 2020-2021. 他曾参加舞蹈教师峰会和卡佩齐奥A.C.E. Awards, and in “The Nutcracker” under director Lois Ellyn of Nouveau Chamber Ballet. 2016年,他在David H. 在纽约市林肯中心的科赫剧院. Mr. Pulido was a teacher’s assistant at the Los Angeles Dance Connection, where he trained for 10 years.

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Woman bending her arm around her body.

Devon Oshiro '12 (B.A. dance)

Devon currently lives in Brooklyn, New York where she is pursuing a career as a dance artist. 她曾与Mike Esperanza/Bare Dance Company合作演出, Summation Dance Company, Patrick Corbin/Corbin Dances, Edisa Weeks/Delirious Dances, and more. Devin has also been a full-time dance company member with Gibney Dance Company (GDC), performing works by Gina Gibney, Joanna Kotze, and Reggie Wilson, among others. At Gibney, 她曾担任社区行动艺术经理, overseeing the artistic integrity and training of community outreach members in youth violence prevention assemblies and residencies and facilitated movement workshops in domestic violence shelters for adults and children. She is currently working a freelance dance artist creating her own work with Awakening Movement.

Man in midair.Photo:

Bradley Beakes '09 (B.A. dance)

布拉德利是纽约市的舞蹈艺术家,最初来自格伦多拉,CA. 毕业于加州州立大学, Fullerton, 布莱德利第一次搬到纽约是在2010年,就读于艾利学校. He later danced with Project 44, Naganuma Dance, and Visions Dance Theatre where he was named the 2010 Lester Horton Award Winner for "Outstanding Male Performance". In 2011, Bradley joined Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company where he performed until 2016. Bradley was honored to dance with the Limón Dance Company from 2016-2017 as well as guest perform with Keith Johnson/Dancers and NOW-ID. He has served on rotating faculty for the Limón School since 2016 and also teaches at Peridance and Gibney 280. 他的编舞作品曾在INKUBATE舞蹈节等场所演出, American College Dance Festival, the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival, among others. Bradley于2017年夏天加入Doug Varone and Dancers.

More about bradley beakesOpens in new window

Doug Varone and Dancers websiteOpens in new window

Edward Salas and Katie Sovik

(L to R) Edward Salas, Katie Sovik
Photos: Kanopy Dance Company

爱德华·萨拉斯18届,凯蒂·索维克21届(都是本科).A. dance)

Salas,  Sovik, 和盖洛德都是加州大学旧金山分校舞蹈项目的校友, 现在在麦迪逊继续她们的舞蹈生涯, Wisconsin with Kanopy Dance Company. 

阅读salas和sovik校友系列访谈PDF File Opens in new window

KANOPY DANCE COMPANY websiteOpens in new window

Man seated near a window.Photo: Emerge 125

Dennzyl Green '20 (B.A. dance)

denzyl Green在长滩出生并长大, 他在加州做了十多年的表演艺术家. 他毕业于加州州立大学, Fullerton with a Bachelor of Arts, dance, cum laude, 2020. During his college career, had the opportunity to perform various repertories by the faculty and guest artists such as "Recent Arrival" by former Artistic Director of Limón Dance Company, Colin Connors, 以及道格·瓦隆的《十大靠谱网赌游戏平台榜单》的节选.

As of June 2020, Dennzyl joined Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble as a member of the Second Company- Cleo II. During his time he performed repertoire of Cleo Parker Robinson, Milton Meyers, Nejla Y. Yatkin和客座艺术家Amalia Viviana Basanta Hernandez. 2021年秋季音乐会在Ellie Caulkins剧院, he had the honor of apprenticing with the first company to perform the world premiere of Four Journeys choreographed by Amalia Viviana Basanta Hernandez.

As of January 2022, he is now a member of EMERGE125 and is full of excitement to be a part of an active and vital company in New York.

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CJ Jensen '17 (B.A. dance)

CJ正在筹备2022年与Lady Gaga的巡回演出. 他曾在MTV电影奖上表演, Lip Sync Battle, Paris By Night, various music videos, and has toured with Jojo Siwa. 他还参加了世界舞蹈大赛,K.A.R., Vibe, Urban Street Jam, Kids Carnival和Maxt Out. CJ曾在马萨诸塞州的雅各布斯枕头和约翰F. 肯尼迪表演艺术中心位于华盛顿特区.C. in 2016. He is an assistant director and choreographer of award-winning competitive hip-hop crews at CF Dance Academy such as Fortissimo and Bring the Noise. CJ由BLOC经纪公司代理.

follow cj jensen on instagram

Dark haired woman.
Photo: Core Arts Pilates

Sharmila Mitra (B.A. dance)

Sharmila是当今南加州领先的普拉提教练之一. 作为一名老师,她有超过二十年的普拉提经验, teacher trainer, and studio owner. In 1999, 她师从已故的高级教练罗曼娜·克里扎诺夫斯卡, a protégé of Joseph Pilates, 因此,她在克里扎诺夫斯卡的指导下获得了证书. Sharmila’s 25 years of dance experience as a performer, choreographer, and adjudicator. In essence, this was the precursor for her passion in examining the convergence of technical and artistic human movement.

Sharmila在核心艺术普拉提上的形象Opens in new window

stormy gaylord

Photo Credit: Kat Stiennon & Shawn Harper

STORMY GAYLORD '18 (B.A. dance)

Stormy Gaylord began her dance training at age 9 at Laguna Dance Theatre in Mission Viejo, California. After high school, she found modern dance at Irvine Valley College and deepened her love for it at 十大靠谱网赌平台. 作为CSUF剧团的舞蹈演员, 斯托米与客座编舞布林·科恩合作, Jessica Kondrath, and Colin Connor. 2018年,她以优异成绩毕业,成绩为B.A. in Dance.

Post-graduation, storm和Re:borN Dance Interactive一起跳舞, FUSE Dance Company, the Teatro Martini Dinner Theatre show, and numerous Disneyland parades. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Stormy pivoted and decided to deepen her education. She earned her 200-hour Power Yoga certification and enrolled in graduate school online through the University of Florida. In 2021, 她有幸加入了加州州立大学的舞蹈系, Fullerton teaching ballet. Most recently, Stormy graduated with her master's degree in Mass Communication and a certificate in Web Design. 她目前在麦迪逊的Kanopy舞蹈团跳舞, Wisconsin where she trains in Graham technique under former Graham dancer Lisa Thurrell. 在这里,她有幸与客座艺术家Pascal Rioult合作, Lloyd Knight, and Colin Connor. 

INSTAGRAM: @stormy_weatherrr 

ariel parker

Photo Credit: Sunday Baxter

ARI PARKER '21 (B.A. dance)

我是一名舞者和编舞,来自弗吉尼亚州. In 2021, 我从加州大学旧金山分校获得了学士学位,之后, 我在洛杉矶开始接受卡梅隆·李的训练, Jonathan Sison, 以及业内许多知名的编舞家. I have performed for Club Jete, Carnival Choreographer’s Ball, Loose Cannons, World of Dance, and more. 我现在在南加州的各个工作室教授成人高跟鞋课程, 在蒙罗维亚经营一家主要的芭蕾舞工作室, 协助维克斯舞团的艺术指导.

catie robinson

Photo Credit: Lauren Wing

CATIE ROBINSON '20 (B.A. dance & journalism)

Catie (she/her) is a dancer, arts administrator and writer who is passionate about increasing the accessibility of dance for all communities. 她毕业于加州州立大学, 2020年毕业,获得舞蹈和新闻学学位. 她的作品曾发表在《十大靠谱网赌游戏平台榜单》和《十大靠谱网赌平台》上, and she has completed internships with Dance Media and Arts Ignite in New York City, 以及达勒姆的美国舞蹈节, NC. 凯蒂是阿纳海姆芭蕾舞团的专业演员. 她目前在Jacob's Pillow担任慈善研究员.

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cosmo daquila

Photo Credit: Joshua Estrada Romero

COSMO DAQUILA '15 (B.A. dance)

Cosmo currently lives in the OC. 2015年毕业后,她继续在FUSE舞蹈公司跳舞, Embark Dance Theater, and Selah Dance Company. 3 Years post-graduation she started a family and now works at StretchLab helping people discover their body through stretch. She also focuses on rehabilitation, mobility, and longevity through one-on-one assisted stretching. She has taken her many lessons of dance and movement into the non-dance world to show others how they can find freedom and healing through movement. 

edward salas

Photo Credit: Kat Stiennon

EDWARD SALAS '18 (B.A. dance)

爱德华是一名墨西哥裔美国现代舞演员,来自加州科维纳. He began dancing at Mt. San Antonio College where he earned his AA in Theatre Arts before transferring to CSUF. While in school, he performed with Contemporary West Dance Theater and FUSE Dance Company as well as Disneyland parades such as A Christmas Fantasy, Paint the Night, and Magic Happens. After graduating Edward joined Re:borN Dance Interactive and danced with both Re:borN and FUSE until 2021. 2022年,他搬到威斯康辛州麦迪逊市,加入卡诺比舞团. 在卡诺比,他曾与帕斯卡·里奥尔等客座编舞家合作, Lloyd Knight, and most recently Colin Connor. Here he trains extensively in Graham technique under the tutelage of Lisa Thurrell and Robert Cleary. 除了他的舞者职责, Edward has had the honor of leading Kanopy's educational outreach program in the form of teaching bilingual creative dance and Limon technique classes to students at a local elementary school. 
爱德华还喜欢十大靠谱网赌平台其他动作练习,为他的舞蹈提供信息. 他获得了200小时的力量瑜伽认证, a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, 目前他正在进行健美操交叉训练. Recently, Edward's love for the French language led him to acquire another AA in Foreign Language. He is currently studying to apply to Physical Therapy school in the hopes of working with dancers to help bridge the gap between arts and science, eliminate disinformation, 并授权其他人质疑舞蹈领域内有害的传统. 
Instagram: @elephanteddie